Decluttering & Organizing

The process of decluttering can be a daunting task and most people don’t know where to start. With my experience and expertise, I will ask all of the right questions along the way in order to provide the best solution for what you may need. Together we will set goals and make decisions. I will guide you through the process of sorting your belongings to help you decide what to keep, sell, and donate. As difficult as that may seem, I will be with you 100% of the journey!

Our home is our sanctuary and should be treated as such. Room by room, space by space, we’ll get you on your way. Below are examples of the areas I help with.

Organized Living Room
  • Living Rooms

    Living Rooms are a multi-functional area that is difficult to keep clean. They are play areas, a place for family fun, and a space for downtime. Keeping different activities in separate areas of the living room will help it stay functional.

    Helpful Hint: Consider a stylish room divider to keep the kid's play things and crafts in one area.

  • Bedrooms

    Bedrooms are the places where we get dressed in the morning and retire at night. Mornings can be hectic, so if everything in your closets and drawers are visible, then it will make your morning getting-ready routine more efficient. And having a clutter-free space will help declutter your mind, so you have a more restful sleep at night.

    Helpful Hint: Get the most out of your space by using space saver bags and under-the-bed storage containers for all your seasonal clothing.

  • Kitchens

    Kitchens can be a fun place to get creative and spend time with the family. A cluttered kitchen can make cooking and baking less enjoyable, especially if you can’t find the things you need. Messy drawers, cupboards, and countertops are a pain. Whether it's groceries or kitchen utensils, you may find yourself wasting time and money buying duplicates of things you already have. Keeping items frequently used closest to where you use them, will make cooking and baking a breeze.

    Helpful Hint: Keep items you use every day closest to where you use them for easy access. Also, pare down on utensils you have multiples of.

Organized Closet
  • Closets

    Closets are a very important part of our home that needs to be neat and organized. Whether it's your bedroom closet or the closet by the front door, having everything categorized and visible helps you and your family easily prepare for the day.

    Helpful Hint: Go through your closet, donating what you don't want, then return all hangers backwards on the rod. After you wear it, return to normal. If any hangers are still backwards 6 months later, it's time to go!

  • Basements

    Basements tend to be a catch-all for seasonal things we rarely use. By decluttering the area and having it organized, items can be categorized and labelled to easily identify what’s what. Proper storage goes a long way to finding what you’re looking for in a snap. And bins keep your stuff clean!

    Helpful Hint: Cutting down on your storage can do wonders for limiting consumption. Try constraining your storage spaces and you’ll quickly identify what you really need.

Organized Closet
  • Minimalism

    Minimalism can be a scary word for people, but I assure you, it is not. It’s not about living with nothing, it’s about living with only what you need; living with intention. What does that mean? Living with intention means only owning the things that bring value to your life, which serves a purpose, and makes you happy.

    People live this way for many reasons. It could be because they don’t want to be constantly cleaning and sorting their belongings all the time. Or it could be because they want to leave a smaller carbon foot print by only buying and owning what they need.

    People tend to over-accumulate. They're living in larger houses filled with lots of stuff. They waste money on storage units to house the things that don’t fit into their homes. People want to own the latest version of everything and to “keep up with the Jones’”, but is it making them truly happy? By having too much stuff the real joys in life seem to go by the wayside.

    Are you still a little skeptical? It doesn’t happen overnight, this is a journey. Are you ready to experiment with less?

    “Maybe the life you’ve always wanted is buried under everything you own”

    - Joshua Becker

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